Specializing in Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, MySQL, Python, C++, C#, C, Java, AngularJS and Javascript. Graduate of Nashville Software School Cohort 21
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• Five Years of coding full-stack websites in PHP, MySQL, and Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL Database.
• Coded several Mobile apps in Java and Swift
• See projects below
• Nashville Software School - Daily hands-on application of programming fundamentals and Solution Design through group and individual projects
• Created Single Page Apps (SPA) in JavaScript using Angular Framework, Bootstrap SASS and Firebase!
• Source code/version control through the use of Git and GitHub
Three full-stack sites bullt with Ruby on Rails: sillysnap.com and bookclubpro.com and Bangazon Group Class Project. Both sites are deployed and previews can be seen below:
Javascript coding on the front end using Browserify, Promise, Jquery. AngularJS Experience Firebase connected database with AngularJs.
Php coding with a Joomla CMS. Used PHP and MySQL to customize the Joomla site to automate a fully Automated blogging bot. The site can be seen at www.investprofits.com
4 Android apps built with Java using the Android Studio IDE. Available on Google Play store, listed below. Several C++ projects created during two semesters of a Computer Science major.
SillySnap.com - This site was built with Ruby on Rails, ProstgreSQL database, and hosted on Heroku. Devise and CarrierWave are used for authentication and video/image processing respectively. Submit videos/images, post comments. Upvote or downvote comments. See live site and submit an image or video, or submit a comment.
Live Site: Github Repo:BookClubPro.com - This site was built with Ruby on Rails, ProstgreSQL database, and hosted on Heroku. Devise and PaperClip are used for authentication and image processing respectively. Go to the Github repo or the live site to sign up and submit a book with details. Also, rate a book or post a review. Visit the live site.
Live Site: Github Repo:News Reader available on the Google Play Store. This mobile app was built with Java using the Android Studio IDE. It's connected to an API to get up to the minute tech and business news. The Repo is available on Github with more information available on the Google Play Store. Android users can download it from the play store.
Google Play Store: Github Repo:Tip Calculator available on the Google Play Store. This mobile app was built with Java using the Android Studio IDE. The Repo is available on Github with more information available on the Google Play Store. Android users can download it from the play store.
Google Play Store: Github Repo:Investing Calculator available on Google Play. This mobile app was built with Java using the Android Studio IDE. Repo available on Github with additional information available on the Google Play Store. Android users can download it from the play store.
Google Play Store Github Repo:Balloon Game available on Google Play Store. This mobile app was built with Java using the Android Studio IDE. Repo available on Github with additional information available on the Google Play Store. Android users can download it from the play store.
Google Play Store Github Repo:Bangazon Class Project - This site was a group project at Nashville Software School(NSS). It was built using Ruby on Rails,with an SQLite DB, and Paperclip for image proecssing. The site contains a shopping cart with a full checkout system. To see it in action download it from Github and submit items for sale.
Funsnap(Repo Name/SillySnap(Site Name) - This version of SillySnap was built with AngularJS, Firebase Database, Javascript, and Bootstrap. It is similar to the Sillysnap above but while that one was built on ROR, this one has Angular JS and FIrebase. Visit the Github repo.
3 in 1 Calculator - This iPhone calculator was built in the Swift language using Xcode. The code for this app is available on the Github repo. It's coming to the iTunes store soon.
Ready to start your next project with me? That's great! Give me a call or send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible!